Door   --Nicole--, 26 november 2019, 22:10

Maak favoriet 

foto --Nicole--

Only Forever

It can be so beautiful…
Our energies together is something remarkable, undeniable irresistible…
I just cannot get it out of my head…I keep trying but I fail…

There are no words to describe it
I have never experienced something like that in my life
Soft but strong, calming but frightening, confusing but just right

When we talked…it was just scary. .
You where finishing my sentences and I would yours
When I was thinking it you just said it…it was like we were one…

And then that look with those piercing eyes…
I could just feel it in the depth of my soul
It was like you were part of it

That first touch of our hands…that first kiss
There were fireworks…and I could feel sparkles running through my body
From head to toe… what was that?

You had enlightened something that was lost in the dark.
Searching for it to be whole again. .
How could you know me more then I knew myself

You knew not just to pleasure my body but also my soul
But what then? Did the fear got the best of you?
Was this mirror just too much of a reminder of that dark side…the pain…did I came too close

How did that felt so magical…
But not strong enough to survive…
Healing has to be done…growing has to be done…
We need to remember our soul contract
Remember that we are one …. The divine feminine and masculine
The yin and yang…. we need to have balance…. before we can become one. .

I will only wait for you forever…
Divine timing is here…our union will last till the end of times
The universe is showing us signs…. numbers and synchronicities everywhere

I’m calling out your name in the Astral world
I can feel you…smell you…see you…
I’m ready… are you?

Your Twinflame


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